What is the Art Army?

Where the story began... Pioneer Park, Downtown DeLand Fl.
At its inception, it was an idea.
The idea that we ALL are creative, that we are ALL artists.
That we all have a Creator Spark inside us.
That is our common denominator that brings about our oneness, unity but without uniformity.
In over 30 years we have developed organically, individual friendships made, one person meeting another, to where we are now a global family of conscious creators in over 100 outposts around the world.
There is a revolution going on, in every sector of human kind, & it’s going to take an army to take on these radical cultural changes. We are gathering all the Art revolutionaries into one force - into one army.
An army of conscious creators, all changing the world through their art & creativity.
We believe that we are the art, and together, we are the Art Army!
And we want you to be part of our global movement.
The Whole Story...
In 1996, artist Perego was commissioned to do a historic mural in downtown Deland, Florida. The mural was to be done was 30 ft. tall x 70 ft. long. Due to the scale of the project, Perego chose to ask his close friend, Christopher Hansen, to help him paint. He called and found him in Deland at his grandmother's house, quite surprised to hear that he had just recently returned there from the hospital, where he had been recovering from a high-speed car accident. Fortunately, Chris survived the crash with only a few cuts to his face. Although he had never painted before, Perego asked him to be his only assistant on the large mural project.
When Chris arrived on the job site, he noticed that he had clean clothes on, in major contrast to Perego's paint splattered paint clothes. When Perego asked him to block out some of the background, Chris excited about the job (and creating his own paint clothes), began putting so much paint on himself, that it literally went through his clothes and onto his skin. Covered almost head to toe in green paint, feeling like he was in the "trenches", (climbing up high on the scaffold) Chris remarked " I feel like I'm in the Army - The ART ARMY!! " And so it all began.
How do you name the nameless? You can't. But, if you were to name the Creators of the Grand Universe, including our universe & the planet we live on, it would be the Art Army. We now carry the torch, creating this world.
At the finish of the mural, the concepts of the Art Army were pretty much defined, the Spiritual Rennaisance Manifesto written, and they began enlisting people into the idea that Everyone is an Artist.
At the initial Art Party in 1996, about 500 people joined their voice to the mantra - "WE ARE THE ART"
And thousands have done the same since.
The Art Army has sponsored events worldwide including happenings in NYC, Philadelphia, LA, Miami, Numerous music and art festivals, Burning Man, and now, the Art Army has a global presence with outposts now in over 100 cities worldwide.