Press Release
Daytona Beach, Fla.-based artist, performer and activist Perego has been named a recipient of the prestigious “Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award" for 2023.
The Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award is among the highest honors given to people who have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to community service with an emphasis on contributing to the betterment of society.
The award will be presented to Perego (single-name) by esteemed cultural icon Dr. Khalilah Camacho-Ali at an event to be held January 16 at 6:pm at 31 West Granada Blvd, Ormond Beach, 32174. The event is free and open to the public.
Dr. Camacho-Ali, the former wife of boxing legend Muhammad Ali, will present the award to Perego as a representative of the President’s Office.
In addition to this remarkable achievement, Perego will be bestowed with the esteemed “President’s Volunteer Service Medal” and receive a letter of appreciation personally signed by President Joseph R. Biden.
This recognition underscores Perego's commitment and dedication to positively impacting communities around the world through art and creativity.
Perego spent his career designing and making art for leading entertainment industries, including a series of restaurants, clubs and cafes around the country.
He has also worked as an Art Director for entertainment giants including Disney, Universal Studios, and BET. Perego was involved in the planning and execution of the premiere art party for Cirque Du Soleil's grand opening in Downtown Disney
Perego's mural in DeLand, Fla. led to the city winning “The National Downtown Redevelopment Award” and his work was chosen for the entrance of the new County Courthouse in that city as well.
Beyond his professional accomplishments, Perego also is the founder of the Art Army, an international organization comprised of conscious creators who are changing the world through their art and creativity. The organization's credo is “everyone is an artist, everyone is creative. We all have a Creator spark within us."
Connecting the dots between spirituality and creativity, over the past three decades the Art Army has now become a global art movement with outposts in 110 cities worldwide.

Link to the Award Ceremony

Art Army Orlando presents Art Infusion!!
Art Army Orlando presents Art Infusion!!
An Art Army art party at the Orlando international Film Festival! July 13-16, 2023
Infusing art, film, and live immersive experiences like never before, this is the event not to miss! See exhibits of Orlando’s most brilliant artistic talents with film-themed works. Witness performance art from international artists Perego Live and Heps Fury! Celebrate that “everyone is an artist” and add your own personal touch to our commUNITY mural.
Casting call! Lights, camera, and action! Be part of the filming of a full-length documentary “Art Army Revolution” directed by Christopher Hansen. We are all actors on the stage of life. Experience a Hollywood screen test audition at the 2023 Orlando International Film Festival located in the University of Central Florida Nicholson School of Communication and Media. All aspiring and experienced actors are welcome.
The Art Infusion gallery will be open for three morning and afternoon sessions, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of film viewing during the halftime show from 12:15pm to 2 pm. This amazing international festival of culture and art will be held at the newly renovated, state-of-the-art UCF Nicholson School of Communication and Media at the UCF downtown Orlando campus, 500 West Livingston Street, Orlando Florida, 32801.
The OIFF Film Festival starts at 9am and ends at 8pm
Art Infusion performances: 12:15pm to 2pm, Thur, Fri, Sat July 13-15
For tix & info see www.OIFF.us
Sponsorships available.
More info on the Art Army- www.artarmy.org
More info on the Facebook event- https://www.facebook.com/events/1313894332894074?ref=newsfeed